Sleep apnea can be a huge blow to your lifestyle once you get diagnosed. You have to make changes in your life to get the most out of your CPAP therapy. I’ve made some concrete changes in my life that have made a positive impact on how I manage my sleep apnea. Here’s a look at the changes I made.
Less Alcohol
One change I made was to drop my alcohol consumption down to a minimal amount. When you drink, it interrupts your sleep, and this can have a negative impact on sleep apnea. I still enjoy a few drinks now and again, but I’ve cut down on my drinking and now get the quality sleep I need.
Better Diet
I’ve improved my diet and reduced my sugar consumption. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible. I eat more vegetables, drink water, and maintain a healthy diet.
I sleep better when I eat well, and I’ve even managed to drop a few pounds. This has a positive impact on my sleep apnea.
More Exercise
I have exercised more since my sleep apnea diagnosis. I go for more walks and do some resistance training at home. On the deck, I maintain a small garden, which helps me relax.
Sleep apnea improves a great deal when you exercise and take better care of yourself. It’s by no means a cure, but extra exercise has a positive impact on my sleep and how I feel each day.
Sleep Routine
I go to bed at the same time every night. I avoid late nights where I tire myself out and then try to catch up on my sleep. My sleep routine gives me the energy I need for the next day’s activities.
Before I was diagnosed, I had erratic sleep patterns. Now I go to bed at a set time, wear my mask, and feel a whole lot better the next day.
I spend more time relaxing and trying not to get stressed. I garden and play my guitar to help me stay relaxed. It’s hard not to be stressed when you have a health condition, but it’s easier to deal with the ups and downs when you are centered and in control of your emotions.
Far too many of us just accept our health problems and resign ourselves to our fate. We never investigate or want to learn more. One of the best things that has helped me deal with my sleep apnea is education. I took an active interest in my condition to better understand it. I’ve joined forums, I write about my experience with sleep apnea and stay up to date with what is going on regarding the treatment of sleep apnea.
By getting involved in the community, I’m better able to not only understand my condition but help others who have the same problems that I do. This has helped me cope with my apnea daily. I still live with apnea, but it doesn’t control me.
Key Points
- Less Alcohol
- Better Diet
- More Exercise
- Sleep Routine
- Relaxation
- Education
We can still live active, happy, and even healthier lives with major health conditions. This often requires lifestyle adjustments. These changes can help us better manage our health problems and look forward to a better tomorrow.
The battles we face are often in our minds and not so much in our bodies. If we face our challenges, we become stronger. Keep going, keep fighting, and you’ll win. We all have the fight inside of ourselves, you only have to find it.